Government Inspectors Support Green Belt Housing Protection

The Green Belt Areas of Leeds for potential future housing development shall be fully protected following the initial view of government planning inspectors. The Site Allocation Plan for Leeds, which identifies new housing locations to meet the city's future needs, was considered in a public examination that took place earlier this summer. As part of the plan, Leeds City Council proposed development protection for 33 green belt sites previously identified as potential locations for 6,450 future homes. This proposal reflected the council 's desire to protect the green belt as much as possible as part of its commitment to reduce the overall urban housing targets based on the latest local evidence. The two independent government-appointed inspectors have today states interim views on the plan which support the council’s approach regarding green belt protection. The Site Allocations Plan establishes locations for up to 66,000 new homes in Leeds by 2028, as defined in the 2014 core strategy.

Green Belt land in the UK
Inspectors suggested that the Council should only provide housing needs by 2023. The Inspectors interim view focuses on housing. Their views on all other areas of the plan, which also identify areas of employment land, green space, shopping centres and gypsies, and travelers, will be provided in the following year. They need to modify before the plan can be recommended for adoption. The Leeds City Council is now reviewing these observations and will address the issues raised with further consideration and consultation on possible changes.  

The examination of the plan was held over 16 days at the Civic Hall in July and August, with the views of more than 470 participants including local residents, interest groups and housebuilders heard by the inspectors, who have also considered more than 50,000 written comments.


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