Leeds Shortlisted For Award On Road Congestion Reduction - "Leeds' idea set them apart"

Leeds has been voted as one of the best cities in the UK for its forward-thinking on how to reduce road congestion.

Congestion in Westgate, Bradford

For those who are stuck forever in the morning rush this may seem to come as a surprise, but Leeds has been recognised for its 'creativity' in reducing road congestion. Leeds City Council faced competition from more than 75 other UK cities in the Roads for the Future Competition with its suggestion that driver-less vehicles can be integrated into existing road networks of the UK. The Council looked at how cars of the future could communicate with each other to improve traffic light sequences and, in turn, enable better traffic flow through the city. Although 81 entries were submitted from across the UK, but only five cities - including Leeds - suggestions made a shortlist. Judges were so impressed with Leeds City Council that it was awarded a share of £25,000 of the £50,000 prize fund to invest in the scheme.

article_update_51c1030becb15ce8_1349909117_9j-4aaqsk.jpegSir John Armitt, Chairman of the National Infrastructure commission, said:"tomorrow's vehicles will be very different from those we see around us today. We must make sure that our roads are ready for this revolution. With such a strong shortlist, the entries were not easy, but Leeds' idea set them apart. I congratulate them for their excellent success." 


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